

  • Really good information in the video and a very clear presentation of it by an excellent speaker.

    Am looking forward to saying hello at the 20books conference.

  • That is amazing! I used your principles for my Clean romance book and got it up under 1,000 in the kindle store. A month later, it still hovers around 2,500 (but that is with my Facebook ads).
    My question is, do you continue to run Facebook ads or do you turn them off? How long until it stays “sticky” enough that you don’t need ads. Or do you run them continuously forever?
    For the majority of the time, are those numbers for your preorder? (When you said release day, does that mean the day it went live?)
    Do you find that people are willing to pre-order a book at that high of a price? How long are you waiting until it gets released?
    Thanks for all of your tips!

  • Pingback: Episode 182 – Michael Hyatt, Kindle in China, and The Future of Nook | Sell More Books Show

  • Hey Chris, this is great! I’m doing this right now, and just turned on the ads, but I’m on a much more limited budget. I’ve opted to literally ask people to buy my book on facebook, through text, email, and in person at bars for the full price, and I got myself to #239 in a very specific category of International Mystery & Crime. That I considered a huge victory and I’m doing a launch party for it anyway. Already found the locatio where I can do it as a casual meetup with people I know in town. I also was able to get an op/ed shared (my first) on a legit site and got almost 500 shares on the article. I’m using that right now to try and get featured on more sites, and I’m trying to interview people about the technology, and the themes in the book. I think the best part however you approach this is getting excited to tell people about the book, and starting conversations with people who are not just readers, but who have something valuable to say around those topics.

  • Pingback: Episode 182 – Intellectual Property, Kindle in China, and The Future of Nook | Sell More Books Show

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