

  • While I agree with you for the most part, sometimes you’re put in a position where you DON’T have the same amount of hours in the day, like everyone else. For most of high school, I was fat, and getting fatter. By the end of 11th grade, I made a decision to lose weight. And through hard work and exercise, I did. I continued to work out, and had a daily routine of running 8 miles a day on the treadmill. Since getting married though, I’ve gained back over 15 pounds. This is because I’m now I have more responsibilities. I’m a full time law student, I have a job, I don’t live near a gym anymore, and with my wife pregnant, most of the errands have fallen onto me. I fully intend on getting back to my original weight, but at the moment it seems difficult (and I doubt a baby will make things easier). Once I can afford my own treadmill (and an apartment large enough to hold it), I’m sure it’ll be easy for me. After all, I’ve done it once before.

    As for when do I find time to write? Mostly on the subway to school or work.

    • The thing is, you DO have the same number of hours. You’re just choosing different priorities. You are making law school and your family the most important things. I think that’s awesome.

      You can still lose the weight, if it becomes a priority. It won’t be easy. I lost 90 pounds when I was working a full time job, and running a Toastmasters club. If you’re struggling, look to your motivation.

      Why do you want to lose weight? Why did it work in high school? What’s different?

      • Hm. Back then my primary motivation was to impress women. Being married does sort of take that away. Now it’s more for myself.

  • Nice kick in the butt today Chris! It has been a great ride along.


    • Thanks, Ben! I really appreciate you taking the time to watch all these. It’s been a pretty amazing ride.

  • Chris, I loved the post and found it very inspirational. Congrats on reaching so many great goals. I just finished doing 6 twenty minute sprints for a word count of 3105. That’s about 2000 words less than you’re getting in the same time frame. Have you found that as you’ve done this daily you’ve gotten faster?

    • Definitely! My speed is always improving. Writing is very much like a muscle. If you keep at your sprints, I have no doubt you’ll dramatically increase your word count. Try it for a couple weeks. I’d love to hear how it goes.

  • Very inspirational video today and a kick in the butt I think I needed. 🙂 I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of this challenge. Thank you for sharing.

    • Thanks, Eve. So far, so good =)


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