Today I launched a new series of videos with the clickbait-y title How to Train Amazon to Sell Your Book. The title is self-explanatory, but here’s the summary:
Companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Netflix are leveraging the power of big data to create artificial intelligences. Those AIs have one focus, to learn about you (as mentioned in my article about how Netflix did this with Stranger Things).
As authors, we can tap into that same power. This video is designed to teach you how. I’d love to hear what you guys think!
How to Train Amazon to Sell Your Book
Great video, Chris!
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Loved this. When is the next video coming with the specifics on finding the audience?
Loved this. When is the next video giving specifics coming out?
I’ll have it up on Friday. =)
This makes so much sense! I’ve always felt targeting other writers wasn’t a good idea, but you explain why. Can’t wait for the next video.
It really does make sense… my YA was mixed in with grief books on Amazon after the initial push and then plummeted. I never sell any copies. Thank you for putting this together, and I am so looking forward to your next video!
Interesting! Can a book be rescued from its fate of a poor initial launch like you described for the werewolf book? Using promo to reboot the algorithm? Or are you just stuck until you launch the next one in the series?
You can always relaunch a book, but it will never have the same power as a new release =)