I read your 5000 Words Per Hour book over the weekend and loved it. Started my 5 minute sprints yesterday. Hit 1824 words day 1 and 2436 words today.
I’m a compulsive self-editor as I write and your technique has been the only thing I’ve found that keeps me writing without editing. This is a game changer for me. You’re awesome.
I have your app for sprints and word counting on my old ipad which I passed on to my husband. Now I find that the app is no longer available at the Apple app store. Is it available anywhere? I truly love it and I’m having trouble replacing it with anything else. Don’t know why, just love, I guess. If it’s not available anywhere now, is there any chance it will be in the future?
I read your 5000 Words Per Hour book over the weekend and loved it. Started my 5 minute sprints yesterday. Hit 1824 words day 1 and 2436 words today.
I’m a compulsive self-editor as I write and your technique has been the only thing I’ve found that keeps me writing without editing. This is a game changer for me. You’re awesome.
I have your app for sprints and word counting on my old ipad which I passed on to my husband. Now I find that the app is no longer available at the Apple app store. Is it available anywhere? I truly love it and I’m having trouble replacing it with anything else. Don’t know why, just love, I guess. If it’s not available anywhere now, is there any chance it will be in the future?
where is the app. I’m here and working, but can’t find your app.
Thanks for. your help