
Shattered Gods

The Magitech Chronicles

Void Wraith

Write Faster, Write Smarter


The Dark Lord Bert


  • I’m already picturing the movie version! Such an interesting premise, Chris! Congrats on finishing your novel! Can’t wait to crack it open (PS: Can I have your autograph?).

  • Thanks, Leash! That means the world to me. I cannot wait to hold copy in my hands and I’m hoping you enjoy reading it. You can’t have my autograph until you give me back my Easter candy =p

    Ava can if she wants it though 😉

  • just finished reading this book, and i am hooked. i have to know what happens next. this is such a unique take on the werewolf genre, i found it extremely refreshing.

    • Thank you so much, Lane! The prequel will be up for preorder in a week or two. If you’re interested in beta reading book 2 feel free to sign up to the mailing list on the upper right of this page, or in the back of the book. I’ll be sending that out to readers in January.

  • Hi is The First Ark coming to Audible?

    • Hi Kyl! I plan to get The First Ark onto Audible in January. Thanks for the praise for No Such Thing As Werewolves. This is all really new to me, so I’m still in awe people are reading it. If you have the time to leave a review on Amazon that would be amazing! I ask, because reviews are very much like currency for authors. We have to hit certain numbers in order to be picked up by large book sites, which is how we reach readers =)

      In any case thanks for the feedback! If you want to read the next book a bit earlier you can sign up for the mailing list and I’ll add you to the street team so you can beta read it.

      • Is there going to be a book covering the ark war.

  • ps No Such Thing as Werewolves is great 5/5

  • So much to say, so little words to convert the depth of enthusiasm. I. love. Your. Work. “No such thing as werewolves” captured my mind and spoke directly to the inner geek hiding within the outer nerd. I love all things werewolf, being willing to subject myself to everything from the true classics of the genre to the truly terrible just for the wolf within. Fortunately I count this amongst the future classics.

    My love for this book comes in waves, geeking out at the possibilities that the story could draw on, the material available that could be woven into the story, balanced by the burning questions that the story has already evoked. Who we’re the mothers people? What truly happened to the Neanderthal race? Will we see Osiris resurrected? Are there any other arks out there? Are there any more of the mothers tribe still alive? Who has been manipulating the world systems to set up the monopoly of zombie rule? Cough Osiris Cough…

    The only downside was what you did to Trevor. Now I have to wait for the next book, thank goodness I got “Dragon Age Inquisition” for Christmas to help me deal with the separation anxiety.

    • I wanted to thank you for posting this, Mark. I had no idea if people would ‘get’ the history and science I was injecting into the setting, or if they’d like the characters. I was also unsure if they’d catch some of the more subtle hints about people like Osiris (nice catch).

      Trevor got a raw deal in the book, but I promise you’ll understand why when you see the next book. Trevor and and continues to be one badass mother fucker. Enjoy Dragon Age! I’m a huge fan of Origins, though I was less into Inquisition.

      Anyway, you’re on the beta list now so you’ll be getting an update in a couple weeks about book 2!

  • Love your work. “No such thing as werewolves” made me geek out so hard I had a nerdgasm. I will freely admit that I am a werewolf junkie, and as such will subject myself to almost any form of literary torture imaginable for the wolf within. So when I find a new book that has truly awesome werewolves and great characters it is a highlight and pleasure. That being said, it is rare for a book to capture my imagination and keep me involved in its world beyond the text on the pages.

    Your book had the pleasure of being one of the rare stories that has done so to the degree that I am plotting out the possible threads and attempting to cast them forward to see where they could lead. Not only am I in love with the lore around the werewolves and zombies, I am totally hooked on the characters as well. What happened to the rest of the mothers tribe? Where other pyramids active? Are the Neanderthal ancients going to make an appearance? Who has been engaged in the social engineering responsible for handing the world to the zombies on a silver platter? *cough* Osiris *cough*…

    Now the long wait begins… Bring on Osiris…

  • I just finished No Such Thing. I really enjoyed it. I purchased it through Audible.com and the narrator portrays it perfectly. I am really looking forward to the next book.

    • Thanks, Sean! The First Ark will be up on Audible this week. It’s only 90 minutes, but it answers some questions about what happened when The Mother found The First Ark. No Mere Zombie will be out in April with the Audiobook coming out in May.

      If you have time to leave a review either on Audible or Amazon (especially Amazon) I’d greatly appreciate it! Book review sites judge indie authors by the number of reviews we have, so they’re like gold.

  • Omg, Omg, Omg. Just finished book one and it was amazing, please tell me I don’t have long to wait until book two, (hoping up and down…looking at you with big puppy dog eyes) Chris you are an amazing writer, really think this could be one he’ll of a movie.
    PS: hurry up lol

    • Thank you so much for the praise, Lisa! Book two is going out to beta readers in the next couple of days. If you want in on that just sign up to the mailing list =D

      Also, if you have a minute I’d be grateful if you’d leave a review. Those things are vital to indie author success, especially on Amazon. Either way, thanks for purchasing the book. You totally made my day.

  • Chris, you really are more than welcome. I’ve already signed up for the mailing list, left a review on amazon and enjoyed the book so much that I now have it on audio book also……Will leave a review on audible when I’m done. Can’t wait to get my teeth into book two…..have fun, enjoy life, take care and above all…keep writing. X

  • When werewolves convert people, they don’t really need to kill them, right? Dead is dead, and the infection is like a virus, so it wouldn’t restore a dead person. Am I wrong in guessing that the new werewolves are simply people who survived their attacks, instead of dying and coming back as werewolves? I love this book and can’t wait for the next. I don’t have a text version, just the audiobook, so I was also wondering about the spelling of the terms for male and female werewolves, if anyone can help.

    • Hey there! Thank you so much for reading the book. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Book 2 is up for pre-order and will be out April 25th. Now some answers!

      I did a lot of research for the conversion at a genetic level. If you read The First Ark (also on Audible) some of it will be more clear. The process of conversion is so violent that it kills the host, but the virus restarts cellular mitosis. So basically it re-writes the host’s RNA, mass replicates new cells and then jumpstarts the host back to life. This process can be found in nature, and the best example is a beetle that can be frozen solid for an entire winter. It thaws out and comes back to life in the spring.

      The spelling for the male and females is Ka-Dun and Ka-Ken, and the origin of both is explained in The First Ark prequel. Ka is reference to the Egyptian concept of a soul, though I put my own personal spin. Anyway, glad you enjoyed the book. If you have a chance to leave a review on either Amazon or Audible I’d greatly appreciate it. They’re hard to come by and they are vital to success for indie authors like me =)

      • Thanks, and I’ll get on that review!

  • Just finished No Such Thing as Werewolves- Deathless Book 1 and I have to say I loved it! I enjoyed listening to it on Audible. I searched for book 2 and was sad to see it is not yet available. I will jump on it as soon as it is out! I can’t wait to see what happens to Trevor and if Blair and Liz have werewolf sex! lol Great job and keep up the good work and I look forward to the next book!

    • Thanks! I love what Ryan has done with the audio. He really brings the book to life, and will be doing the same for No Mere Zombie. You’ll have to let me know what you think!

      Also,if you have a chance to leave an honest review on either Amazon or Audible I’d greatly appreciate it. They are such a huge help to indie authors.

  • Hi Chris — Was trying to find a way to email you but didn’t see an option so opting to leave a comment instead. I work on merchandising for iBooks and would love to set up a time to chat with you. Could you email me when you get a chance? kfreethy@ibooks.com


    • Hi Kristen- I just shot you an email. I’d love to set up a time to chat!

    • I spoke too soon. The email address you listed came back as no recipient found. You can reach me at chris@chrisfoxwrites.com

  • Keep up the great work!!! Can’t wait for book 3. Need a test reader before it it is released 😉

    • Absolutely! If you join the mailing list there’s an opt in to be a beta reader for Vampires Don’t Sparkle. Just click the ‘Download Free’ link for The First Ark on the upper right.

      Also, if you have time to leave a review I’d be eternally grateful!

  • Hey Chris, i am not a zombie fan usually. I love vampires, werewolves and the such. Anyway, I really like your books. I was thinking in a particular portion with Yukon Isis dog and things from his point if view. I thought it would be wonderful if you could write either a novella or an actually novel from the animals point of view. I know some authours have done that previously but it would really be worthwhile if you would write one.
    thanks for listening.

    • I love that idea, Amber! Yukon is one of my favorite characters to write, and I’d love to do a novella from his perspective. You get a bit more of him in Vampires Don’t Sparkle, but he really deserves his own story =)

  • Dude, just finished NO Such thing as werewolves on audible, phucking amazing man… please write faster!!

    • Thanks! Posts like this totally make my day. I’ll be finishing the rough draft for Deathless Book 3- Vampires Don’t Sparkle tomorrow.

  • Chris,
    your books are awesome. I happened to come across “No such thing as werewolves” when searching audible for a new title. Score! The book was funny, well thought out, and just plain fun. Like the characters and the plot development. I listened to it while removing trees from my back yard and was so hooked that finished in a day and a half. Now I am half way through “No mere zombie” and am enjoying this one just as much. I will be telling my friends about the series and hopefully they will enjoy it as much as I have. Keep up the excellent work and you already have one copy sold of the next book.
    Chris Miley

    • Thanks, Chris! You made my day. I’m curious to hear what you think of the ending for No Mere Zombie. Vampires Don’t Sparkle will be out around Halloween, though the audiobook will probably take several weeks longer.

      • Just finished “no mere zombie” and have to say just as good as book one. I am glad you did not kill off Trevor. Wasn’t sure if he would gain redemption with out death. Nice hook for the next book. I really want to read the next book and as an author you have done your job. Thanks for another entertaining novel. Look forward to the next book.
        Chris Miley

        • Thanks for the praise, man. Definitely makes my day. Trevor is one of my favorite characters.

  • Just read the novella about the first ark. Do you plan on explaining the builders? Also an explanation of law? These expliantions would be most helpful?

    • I mean Kaw

      • Hi, Chris! I do. Ka is further explained in Vampires Don’t Sparkle. The Builders are addressed as well. They’re also covered in a spinoff series I’m launching this December.

  • Chris, I loved your books and I devoured both of them via Audible, in one week. I am super excited about Vampires Don’t Sparkle.

    • Thank you so much, Shane! I can’t wait to get VDS out there. Definitely some big events coming =D

  • I just finished reading “No Such Things as Werewolves” and was a tad skeptical, but curious…as I kept reading, I kept waiting for the convergence of all these seemingly disparate elements to crash into each other, as what usually happens in books I’ve read, where the gaps, nonsensical leaps in reasonableness, etc. end up ruining what “could have been” a good idea that ended up being a convoluted train wreck.
    Not only did I enjoy the book, I ended up marveling at the various characters and how distinct the personalities were. I am definitely jumping into the next books you have. I love the relaxed writing style, a nice change from the constant “tension” some books have that end up being more tedious than suspenseful or engaging…REALLY well done!

    • Thanks, Robert! I love hearing from people that enjoyed the book.

  • I just finished the first ark after reading no such thing as werewolves and no mere zombie and can not wait to read vampires don’t sparkle. These books are interesting and keep you spellbound so you want to read more.
    Hope there will be a movie sometime soon.

    • Thanks, Bernadine! I don’t know if there will be a movie, but man I’d love to see that.

  • Just finished Deathless Book #3. As good as the first two. Great series. Can’t wait for the next one to come out. Old adage: When Gods Battle, Mortals Loose. 🙂

    • Thanks, Steve! Book 4 will be out in late spring, and in the mean time I’m writing a spin off series about Project Solaris, Mohn Corp, and the Builders. Book one is called Hero Born =)

      • I see hero born is out on Amazon, when will it be coming to iBooks ?

  • Better late than never, but I just found and finished your Deathless series. I went through them in a whirl wind, and I just couldn’t get enough of them. I really have enjoyed the way you put everything together and add a believable twist in how everything gets tied together. I can’t wait for more of your work in the future!

    • Thanks, Chad! I just started writing full time and will try to get more books out ASAP =D

  • Just finished your Deathless collection from audible. I loved your books and can’t wait for the next one. I am a janitor and get to listen to audiobooks while I work. Your books made 40 hours of work a lot better! Even if my co-worker looked at me funny when I would laugh out loud while working. 🙂 Those recaps at the beginnings are brilliant! Please keep doing those. I already left a glowing review on audible (under my son’s account) and hope these books take off like willdfire. I know I am recommending them to all my friends.

    • Thanks, Melissa. The ‘Previously on Deathless’ sections are always the most fun to write. They’re the reward when I finish writing each book in the series.

      Also, thank you so much for the review! Book four should be out in early summer.

      It’s so awesome that you can listen to audiobooks at work. Thanks for taking a chance on mine =)

  • This is good stuff, Chris is easily becoming one of my favorite authors. Hell, I have been a member of audible for 2 years and Chris is the author that actually prompted my first review. Keep up the great work!!

    • Thanks, Steven! I love the review. Much appreciated.

      • You are welcome Chris… Please spread the word about our site… love reviewing the works of those “little voices” of sci-fi and fantasy….

  • Hey Chris,

    Your deathless series is fantastic and Destroyer was a great book, but i can’t find any of your books on iTunes any more. I predominately read on my apple devices, what happened ?

    • Hi Uri. I made the difficult decision to pull my work from iTunes. Amazon offers a program called Kindle Unlimited, but they require your books to be exclusive to be in it. Unfortunately, I barely sell any books at all on Apple, while Kindle Unlimited is allowing me to pay rent. I’d love to keep my books there, but right now I can’t afford it =/

      • understandable, i just got kindle subscription so i hope my contribution will help.

  • Hi, Chris. I just finished reading Write to Market and watched your videos from the 21 Day Writing Challenge. I’m currently outlining my next project and I’m thinking about taking a similar course to get it written quickly. (I should have my copy of 5,000 Words Per Hour delivered tomorrow.) I’m looking forward to reading Destroyer soon so I can see first hand how your project worked out. Congrats on all your success, and thanks for making so much information available for free here.

  • When is The Great Pack going to be available?

  • Hey when will The Great Pack be available?

  • Love the deathless series but why can’t I find book 4? I see it on here but can’t find it to download! Help!

    • You can’t find it because I’m still writing it =p. I’m aiming for an early November release.

  • looking forward for the final installment of Void Wraith. just posted a review on book two. thanks.

  • Just listened to the whole Deathless Series – so far – and cannot wait for the next installment. I really enjoyed this. Definitely an interesting take on the existence of werewolves, zombies and vampires. I like how you’ve adapted them into historical fiction. Reminds me of when I first read Brian Lumley’s Necroscope series and his deviation from the norm in regards to vampires. Superbly done.

  • Hi, Chris! Just wanted to add my “fan girl” appreciation for your work. The Deathless series is the most unique new take on the paranormal genre that I’ve ever read. I have to admit that I have problems reading (headaches) so I’ve completely changed to audio only. When I first started “No Such Thing…” I put it down after a few chapters because the headache made it not worth it. However, when I finally picked it up in audio I was so hooked that I instantly bought every audio available, knowing I HAD to have them all. Although patience is not my best quality, I will be figuratively standing in line to buy “The Great Pack” when it releases. Thank you for your work and the hours of entertainment you’ve give me.

  • Just finished the great pack and had to grab project solaris for a back story. I have now finished that too and find I am going thru withdrawal already. So when’s the next out. Really enjoyed all the books so far.

    I know its probably too soon to ask. But hey its just that good.

    any of book will do

  • Hi Mr.Fox,
    I just finished The Wraith trilogy boxed set. It was really good and I loved the characters. I came into this site to see if you had any intentions of continuing the series and imagine my surprise when I found out the first book Destroyer was a self appointed challenge, an experiment in some ways to see if you could write it in 21 days, and taking it a step farther by documenting the process.
    It was genius to make that challenge into its own sort of a writer’s self-help series too. And then, my second surprise was finding the comments taken up mostly buy people commenting about your other series, Deathless; I think there was only one small note about the Wraith. Deathless, which I’d never heard of until now, sounds really intriguing. I’m thinking that will be my next series. 😉 I really never found the answer to my initial question: will there be another book, (#4) to follow the Wraith trilogy? Just wondering too, is it normal for an author to have the completed trilogy’s boxed set cover to be the same as one of the other book covers of that same trilogy? I could definitely see where it could cause confusion for readers. I wonder if any of your boxed set reviews have ended up on book #2 instead or visa versa? Anyway, I really liked this series. Btw, are you interested in receiving corrections? 🙂

    • Hi Jules, I can answer your question about more books to follow the Void Wraith Trilogy. There is actually another trilogy called the Ganog Wars that continues the Void Wraith story. Books 1 and 2 are out, with book 3 coming very soon:

      Also, he does appreciate corrections if you find any errors! Feel free to send them to chris@chrisfoxwrites.com. Thanks!

      • The link leads to an error message , when can we expect the third book to come out?

        • Hi Richard, sorry about the bad link. Book 3 will be out by June 29th. Hopefully this link should work:

  • Pingback: “5,000 Words Per Hour” Book Review | Duckie's Book Nook

  • I got bpok 1-3 in the deathless series and i absolutely love them and now i will reading the rest of your book and i can not wait. I wish their was more time in the day.

  • When is next book for project Solaris coming out?

    • Not any time soon, I’m afraid. I sold almost no copies of the series and can’t spare the time to write a book that won’t pay my rent =/

      I love the story and will find a way back to it eventually, but for now I just can’t do it.

  • When are we gonna see book five in deathless

    • Sorry for the late reply. I should have The Ark War out in 2018, but don’t have a date =)

  • Love the Deathless series. How long until the next book ? Really enjoy how you’re adding mythological creatures from different parts of the world & the subtle sci fi elements weaved throughout the books. Eagerly anticipating how the good guys are going to potentially Shape themselves into something new.

    • I take my time with Deathless books because they’re my baby and require a lot of research. I’d love to get the Ark War out in 2018, and should be able to do that =)

      • Well as long as you are doing research that is OK. But do not make me wait until 2025, or I will treat you like I did George R. R. Martin

  • Just read Tech Mage, The Void Wraith trilogy and all the Deathless books in the last couple weeks. Fantastic, and definitely recommending to others. I would love to see you write something in the GameLit/LitRPG genre. If you haven’t heard about it, join us in the GameLitSociety group on Facebook.

  • Hi Just finished the Great Pack. When is the next one due…. so much is still unanswered. Thanks :@)

  • Chris when are you going to work on the next deathless book I read all five in one day I need another deathless book

  • Just finished the all current deathless books, the story telling is superb and I can’t get enough of it. I can’t wait for the story to continue.

  • Hey Chris,

    I just got the void wraith trilogy for Christmas and just finished it. It was great. How do I get the prequel?

    I am excited for more of your sci-fi novels.

  • Chris –
    Accidentally started with the Ganog War #1. then bounced to the Exiled and the Void Wraith pack and then finished the Ganog Wars– all on Audible. Now on my second round of listening, in the correct order this time :-).
    I lack the time time to “drop out” in to a physical/digital book but I can get my “reading” done with Audible.
    My brother the Trucker also lacks the time to do the kind of reading we grew up doing (no TV in my folks home, thus worn out library cards) shares my Audible account and we have thoroughly enjoyed your tales.
    So… My question : Is there plans for Planet Strider to be released on Audible? And are there other Void Wraith/Ganog universe short stories in the anthologies you are in on Audible?

    Tank ewe muchly

  • Hi Chris, I think you can tell we’re all vested in your success since it means we’ll continue to get wonderful stories. Please let us know the best way to ensure your ability to write for a living. Purchase books outright…support Amazon access methods…other download options…whatever. Just let us know. Collectively, I think we can rally to provide you with the necessary support.

    • Hey, Scott! Sorry I took so long to answer. I am, as you know, avoiding the outside world as much as possible =p. Buying my books is the best way to support me. I do have a course coming, and have thought about Patreon. I really should get on that. It’s way easier to focus on content for writers if it makes me enough to eat haha.

  • Hey Chris, Hope all is well! Any update on the Deathless series?

  • I’ve been using audible for almost three years and it recommended the Deathless Collection book with books 1-3 in it and I have to say it has been one of my favorite books so far. I have just gotten to the third book and listen to almost daily. I can’t get enough. Keep up the awesome work. Can’t wait to listen to more of your books!

  • I loved your Deathless series! When can we expect to see the 5th book????

    I’m currently enjoying the Magitech series right now but I am looking forward to the next Deathless!!!!

  • any update on the deathless series am new to your books sowould love to know when the next one is due if at all?

  • How have I only just come across your books? Just started the Galatic Genesis anthology and read Dryker’s Folly in one night. I became so invested that when my own cat started meowing at me I told her to go have the injection! Seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish and have already downloaded several more of your books that have jumped straight to the top of my to be read list. Looking forward to the sequel. Jen

  • Did something happen with the Dryker’s Folly book in the Galactic Genesis? I can’t find it anywhere. I see links to websites including Amazon but they are now nonworking links. I’ve finished all the Void Wraith series and am looking forward to what’s next.

    • Hey, Brent! The box set has been unpublished, but Dryker’s Folly will be coming out in January, with 2 sequels right behind it. If you absolutely need more Drkyer and Fizgig shoot me an email chris@chrisfoxwrites.com I’ll be home from Vegas on Friday and am happy to send you a copy =)

  • Im not sure where else to ask this. Is there any information on deathless book 5?
    I cant seem to find any information on it.

  • Brother when can we expect a new Deathless book. I need closure ?

  • Pingback: The best indie publishing books I read in 2018 | Jon Auerbach

  • Deathless Book 5: No such mere Mermaids that DO Sparkle!!! Just gonna give you that one for free 😉 Loved Krox Rises as well! Can’t wait until we have a “Battle of the Gods!” With solar system sized Gods!!!! At least, that would be one way to go 😀 Think I’m ready for … dang forgot his name- “Tank Man” to ride his tank into a catalyst and come out with a Magic Tank! That’d be so cool 😀 Anyways, happy new year! Looking forward to reading more of your books!

  • Hey Chris. So I’ve read your Deathless series 4 times in a row now, and the Hero spin off 3 times. It seems like it’s been quite awhile since a new book has come out in either series. I’m just wondering if we can expect another one at any time? Or are the series’ both complete/finished? I just want to know if I should look forward to more or just accept that what’s out is all there is. Please let me know, I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much for your awesome imagination and story telling <3

    • Hi, Kasey! You can expect another Deathless book this year. I’d like to do another Solaris book as well, but haven’t committed to that. The Ark War (book 5 for Deathless) will be out for Halloween =)

      • Omg ! I’m so excited to hear this! I loved the deathless books. I am actually in the process of re-reading them again. It’s such a unique an awesome take on the supernatural. Especially since you throw in Egyptian mythology. Love!!!

  • Hi Chris, just finished Dark Lord Bert. I absolutely loved it and was wondering when the next book comes out?

    • Hey, Joseph! I’ll probably get the second out this summer / fall. I’m still trying to fit Bert 2: The Bertening into my schedule =)

  • I just finished the Void Wraith Collection (1-6) and really enjoyed it. Any time line for the next Void Wraith series?

  • Just wanted to say I just completed listening to “The Great Pack” and have spent the last 10 min searching Google on my phone in a McNasties parking lot trying to find the next book. I listen to alot of audio books while I work and I just wanted to say I have immensely enjoyed this series. Can’t wait for the next one.

  • I just listened to the deathless quadrillogy on audible and loved it so much I got magitech and am about to start it. Question though, after the way you end the great pack; please god tell me more deathless is coming soon!? It is such a unique story that I feel was well written in that it had a great flow dialogue to action and very important to me is character development which was very much present. I’ve already recommended to a few people will recommend to more.

    • You have great timing! Book 5 has taken 3 years to write, but The Ark War goes live on July 13th as an ebook, and as soon as we can get it on Audible we will =)


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