

  • Now that is just plain fantastic!!!

    • Thanks, KB! Whatcha think of the Silicon Valley Thriller tag? Stay or go?

      • Keep it in. It makes it stand out from the pack. Also, be sure to contact The Metro newspaper; they might run a story.

      • Adam, I ended up pulling it. A fair number of people like the idea, but roughly 20% of people who read my other series said it prevented them from wanting to buy it. It screams spy thriller, and the book is definitely sci-fi. Such a tough choice.

  • Love the cover, Chris – those eyes!! I like the ‘Silicon Valley Thriller’ line, too. Tells people exactly what to expect.

    • Thanks, Pauline! I’ve gotten mixed reactions from the tag line. Several people dislike it and think it says more spy and less science fiction. I’m on the fence about what to do =p

  • I think it will make people think more along the lines of corporate espionage etc. and perhaps bypass clicking the link to read the details. With just the eyes, city skyline and that catchy title I would be more inclined to click to check it out. I don’t like spy or detective genres so personally if I didn’t already know you and your wheelhouse I would bypass it on Amazon. 🙁

    • It’s been removed. Too many people said almost exactly what you did. If you’re a thriller fan you’ll pick up the book, but if you’re the core audience (sci-fi lovers) you’ll walk right on by. Thanks KB =)

  • Having just finished your No Such Thing As Werewolves I would agree with KB also, the cover alone would not have attracted my interest. Would probably have checked it out anyway because of the author but would not have been a priority. One request of you, please don’t make the mistake of changing narrators of your books. Fans become attached to the characters of well written and read series. Nothing spoils that quicker than changing up the narrator after a few books. To mention a couple would be Jim Butcher and the Dresden Files or James Rollins and his Sigma Force series. You have an excellent narrator in Ryan Kennard Burke, keep him. Am anxiously awaiting April for the next installment in the series. Continue with your excellent writing!!

    • Thanks for the feedback, Kent. I feel completely the same about keeping the same narrator. Ryan has already agreed to do the rest of Deathless, and will be doing Project Solaris as well. He rocks, and I like giving him more money haha.

      Okay, here’s my obligatory ask. I need 100+ reviews before No Mere Zombie launches in April. If you have time to leave one on Amazon I’d be incredibly grateful. Either way thank you so much for reading!


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