
Some of you have noticed the new tab on the menu labeled 21 Day Novel Challenge. It’s exactly what it sounds like. I’m going to write and edit an entire novel in that time. I’m also going to document it, and show the process to the world.

Each day I’ll add a video detailing my progress. If all goes well, I’ll have a polished science fiction novel three weeks from tomorrow!

If you haven’t already done so please take a look at the tab above to see what the contest is all about. Once you’re done, check out the Day 0 video below. If you think it’s interesting, then sign up to follow along and I’m happy to keep sending more your way!


So it begins. A fully edited novel in 21 Days


  • Good luck. Looking forward to seeing this progress. Question: will you start at the beginning and just work your way through, or do you tend to bounce around between scenes and chapters?

    • I’ll start at the beginning and write straight through with no gaps. =)

  • Good luck! It’s a really exciting challenge and I’m looking forward to following your progress! πŸ˜€

    • Thanks! I’ll get the videos out as fast as I can. I start my first sprint in less than 10 minutes.

  • That’s a awesome challenge and will be a joy to watch, Chris. Greetings from a follower and rookie writer from Spain!

    • Thanks, Miguel. Wish me luck =D

  • Your video is great! Loved seeing the Scrivener screenshots.

    Good luck!

  • Best of luck, Chris! Your challenge is inspiring!!

  • Go Chris, go!

  • Your process is very similar to what I do. Except I write out the summary for the entire story then only flesh out act one. I plan out act two when the first act is done (or almost done) because, like you, my stories tend to change direction a lot. I’m finding that even more true with my current project.

    Looking forward to watching this unfold. I’d use Scrivener like you if I had a laptop that could run it. Silly Chromebook.

    • What are you currently using, David?

      It’s really interesting hearing from so many people that they use a similar process. I’ve already heard some commentary that’s improved my own, and I think I’m going to learn a lot through posting these.

      • Well, I actually have a copy of Scrivener, and I love it, but I hate writing on my desktop. And since you can’t install anything on Chromebooks, I’ve been using Google Docs. Whenever I’m done with a project, though, I copy it all into Scrivener so I can create a reading copy for my kindle, but it would be nice to have all those features all the time. One of these days I’ll get a decent laptop.

  • Chris, thanks for the introduction to scrivner. Going to download to my surface pro. Good luck at your challenge, and thanks for providing all the great info you do. I’ve already started taking some of your advice and planning on finally cracking the nut of my own first story.

  • Are you really for real going to share the initial Scrivener document? That’s not only brave, that’s awesome! πŸ™‚

    • I just sent out a link to the Scrivener document, so yeah…I’m sharing it. I’ll send the final one too =)

      • You are one cool cat, Chris. Even if your last name is Fox. πŸ˜‰

      • I signed up the first day, but I’ve not received those emails. Might not just be me.
        Thanks a lot for sharing your process.

        • Is there any chance they might be in a spam folder?

  • Sorry, Chris, but not in my SPAM folder…

    Not sure what happened. Looks like it just got buried. Turns out, I just found it.
    Link was there and I just downloaded the file.
    Apologies, please return to your regularly scheduled programming…

  • Just finished reading your book. I liked the length of it, the way you sectioned it and the content. It was helpful, so here I am, looking forward to learning more and practicing. Thanks!

    • Welcome, Theresa!

  • I’m joining late. Please don’t take these videos down. I promise I will catch up. Thank you so much for doing this, for making your process available to watch! My goal is to apply what I’ve learned in time for CampNaNo.

    • Welcome, Sonja! These videos won’t ever be moved. I’m hoping they serve as a resource for writers, and that people gearing up for either CampNaNo or NaNo will use them to get pumped up enough to win =)


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