

  • Been following along, this is an amazing achievement!

    Question – not sure if you covered this, thought I watched all the videos but I may have missed one. How long are your sprints? What do you between them? Do you take a break or are you plotting out the ideas for your next sprint?

    Thanks! jd

    • The sprints vary in length. My optimum length is twenty minutes, so most of them are around that length. Some are much shorter, as I’ll often end a sprint when the chapter is done.

      Some days I take really long breaks, but over the last few I’ve been experimenting with much shorter ones. That’s worked well. Today I finished writing by 10 am.

  • Congrats on reaching 50k words! That’s a NaNo novel in 10 days – impressive. I’m finding your series inspirational and have been having a go at implementing sprints myself, with some success. It’s a useful technique for fitting writing into small periods of time around my day job.

    • It definitely changed my life. I’m so much more productive now.


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