
Two Trilogies. One Great Story. Incredible Audio.

DestroyerMankind’s outer colonies are disappearing. Without warning. Without a trace. Fleet command chalks the attacks up to pirates, but Captain Dryker of the UFC Johnston isn’t buying it.

Defying command, he leads his misfit crew into hostile territory in search of answers. They encounter the mythical Void Wraith, an unstoppable legend whispered by the first race. After 26,000 years the Void Wraith have returned to begin the next Eradication. Their technology is superior, their motives unclear.

Humanity cannot stop them. Not without help. Captain Dryker’s only hope is to forge an alliance with mankind’s greatest enemy, the savage Tigris.

One maverick captain, an unlikely crew, and an aging vessel are all that stand between humanity and the Eradication.

“It’s like Battlestar Galactica and Mass Effect had a baby, and that baby was raised by Starcraft. I read this book in one sitting, and immediately looked for the next.”- The author’s totally biased friend.

All six Void Wraith books are on sale for 99 cents each through May 31st on Amazon! If you haven’t already picked up all six, now is a great chance to do so!

All Six Void Wraith Novels on Sale for 99 Cents Each!
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  • Hey Chris, a quick heads up. Void Wraith, Void Wraith Saga book 2 is coming up at the price of 4.99 instead of the sale price of .99 cents. I’m not sure if the link is wrong or if its an Amazon issue, but I thought you should know. Keep up the good work!

    • Hi Steve, thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately, there was a snafu with the sale for book 2, which made it end a bit early. Sorry about that!


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