The manuscript has been completed and is just awaiting one final edit before being ready! The preorder will be up on Amazon this weekend, and the most important part? The beautiful new cover! I’d like to offer a big thank you to Nikolai for the amazing rendition of The Mother, and to Stu for his stellar typography.
For those curious the novella explains what happens when the Mother entered the First Ark, a scene that raised a lot of questions in the first novel. For those who haven’t read book one you can still enjoy The First Ark, though you’re likely to end up with some very interesting questions about what happens next.
Anyway, just wanted to share the progress! I’ll be emailing the mailing list for the first time this weekend to offer a free copy of the eBook. If you haven’t signed up yet now is a great time!
Just listened to No such things as ware wolves. Great book, I hope you can work with audible and get your other works on audiobooks. Again fantastic job
Thanks, Josh! I just started listening to the proof of The First Ark this morning and it sounds AWESOME. Ryan has done a great job. If you sign up for the mailing list you’ll see the announcement when its available on Audible. Book 2 (Werewolves vs Zombies) will be on Audible as well!