
In this week’s video, Chris explains why he has decided not to release Write to Market 2. He discusses some personal reasons as well as an analysis of his Myers-Briggs personality type and how it affects his reactions and decisions. Watch the video below for more details!

Why I Decided Not to Release Write to Market 2
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  • Congratulations (on the baby).. !! Best to you all 🙂

  • I think you made the right choice for you, your career, and family. Though I’m a HUGE FAN of your nonfiction your choice is a sound one. As a Psych and Myers-Briggs Gal, I loved that you assessed the decision based on your personality and pondered the best choices. I’m just soooo glad you wrote your non-fiction writer courses beforehand. I’m bummed about the non book release but support it! Will monitor vids.. A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS ON THE BABY NEWS!! The very best to you and Lisa. MERCI BEAUCOUP for all the writing, research, public speaking, conferences and responses to us needy authors and apologies for the unnecessary critical comments in our community. BLESSINGS!


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