
Lifelong Writing Habit: The Secret to Writing Every Day: Write Faster, Write Smarter, Book 2 http://adbl.co/1Ujwgv0


Are you tired of writing intermittently? Would you like to install a lifelong writing habit, one that gets your butt in the chair every single day? Then this is the book for you.

Lifelong Writing Habit draws on well-tested neuroscience to help you install a daily writing habit that will endure for life. It contains a simple-to-understand system, with actionable steps at the end of every chapter.

You’ll learn:

  • How to install a permanent writing habit
  • How to get organized
  • How to set and achieve writing goals
  • How to harness discipline and motivation

It’s time to make a permanent shift in your writing. Let’s get moving!


©2016 Chris Fox


Lifelong Writing Habit Released on Audible!
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